martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


In this post we study the causes, consecuencies and some interesting facts about the climate change.

Read the basic information about the phenomenon in this science book

For further information about this world scale problem check bbc bitescience website.

Watch the video to improve your knowledge about the climate change.

Test your knowledge about this phenomenon by answering this test

Then answer the questionnarie to see it you get the main concepts (click in THINK).

Since the industrial revolution energy use has change dramatically. You can explore how in this resource.

If you have problems with the Climate Change's  vocabulary, have a look at this visual flashcards.

There are many more interesting videos about the climate change in this link.


Download this worksheet and try to do all the activities included in it.

10 interesting things about Air

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


In this video we are going to explore how big is the Universe

Try to identify the different celestial bodies shown in it.

You can also click in this link to understand the scale of the universe.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Minerals and rocks


What do you know about minerals?

This song can help you...
Not impressed yet? Have a look at these Amazing crystals!!!


a) Is this a mineral?
b) The properties of minerals quiz


Explore how rocks are formed by studying this interactive resource

Let see if you have understood the rock cycle by doing this activity